Thursday, October 2, 2008

Brady Gets His Hair Cut.....sob :(

I finally gave up the fight and decided to get Brady's hair cut yesterday. I couldn't take the pressure anymore!!! Baby mullet.....whatever.....and yes I am talking about you BRANDON and LISA.....all the peer pressure to get my BABY'S hair cut and now he is a little man. I hope you are HAPPY :)
The last couple of pictures of his little baby curls.....aagghhh....
His little curl was soooo cute.....I would have let it grow FOREVER!!

He was sooooo unexpecting anything tramatic when we arrived at Hair 4 Kids.
Wait a minute.....what are those ladies doing to those little kids over there?!?!?!?

A feeling of dread is coming over me........this is NOT GOOD....
MAMA....MAMA.....This little car seat is not foolin' me.....something bad is about to happen!

How can you let her do this to me?!?!?

What is she getting over there? Bamboo shoots to stick under my nails?!?!

Oh no....more cutting......(Notice Sabrina in the background having a good time, totally oblivious to the torture her brother is going through)

I loved my baby mullet.

Sabrina drew a spaceship in the sky with a bunch of stars while she waited.
Just moments later in the car with his lollipop....."Haircut....what haircut......ohhhh yea that....I forgot all about it after they gave me this sugary thing on a mommy is just upset :)"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......